Synopsis: Six years after Cassie and Lia resolved to become the skinniest girls in their school, Cassie dies. Unable to bear the sadness and guilt following Cassie's death, Lia spirals deeper into her own eating disorder. Elijah, the last person to see Cassie alive, helps Lia find the strength to face her own demons and enter recovery.
I loved this book simple as that. Although many people will speak up saying it is disturbing and that they are shocked it is a YA fiction book I find it incredible. As always Laurie Halse Anderson never disappoints. I was involved in this book deeply and fell in love with it the minute I opened it to page one and read the words, "found alone in a motel room." After that I was hooked. This book tells of a girls tragic tale of dealing with anorexia and cutting, and the loss of her ex best friend. Both had gone through the stages of not eating but soon after Lia had gone to her second visit and the rehab center her friend told her they could no longer be friends. Six months later Cassie is found dead. Lia hides the fact that she is devastated but finds this hard because she is haunted by Cassie's ghost. Lia focuses more and more on cutting as she realizes she needs to come to grips with the fact Cassie is dead. The fact that she didn't answer Cassie's 36 calls. The fact that she felt guilty that Cassie is gone. This heart wrenching story was beautiful. I know that Laurie Halse Anderson does not enjoy writing these books but I applaud her for bringing the tragically sad world of bulimia, anorexia, cutting and so many other problems into the open. I applaud her for telling them truthfully. And I applaud her for showing that people will chuck you into the loony bin just because you feel that a certain way of danger is your only escape. This book was amazing. I can not wait to review Speak and let you all know that it to is amazing book that will earn Laurie Halse Anderson a amazing round of applause.
Your welcome for recommending this book to you (after forcing you to check it out of the library, might I add). =) -Lydia

News updates on Laurie Halse Anderson.
Chains is up for a Carnegie medal.
Shes posted a video of her writing cottage on her blog
She was just at the school librarians convention and signed thousands of books
Winter Girls has made the 2009 Publsihers Weekly best books list
All this and more can be read on her blog...
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