Synopsis: Something extraordinary is about to happen to Charlotte Mielswetzski.It's not the very cute kitten that appears out of nowhere. It's not the arrival of her cousin Zee, who believes he's the cause of a mysterious sickness that has struck his friends back in England. And it's not the white-faced, yellow-eyed men in tuxedos who follow Charlotte everywhere. What's so extraordinary is not any one of these things. It's all of them.When Charlotte's friends start to get sick, Charlotte and Zee set out to find a cure. Their quest leads them to a not-so-mythical Underworld, where they face Harpies that love to rhyme, gods with personnel problems, and ghosts with a thirst for blood.Charlotte and Zee learn that in a world overrun by Nightmares, Pain, and Death, the really dangerous character is a guy named Phil. And then they discover that the fate of every person -- living and dead -- is in their hands.
This book involves two of my favorite things: Greek mythology and humor. The author has just the right amount of humor to lighten the dark parts of the story.
Charlotte Mielswetzski (meals-wet-ski) and her cousin Zee are the heroes of the book. Zee is a nice boy from London, and Charlotte is a curse-ridden girl from the U.S.A. When Charlotte's friends start to get sick, she and her cousin must find a cure. Of course, as with all plots, the cure is not easily attained. Charlotte and Zee must venture into the "mythical" Underworld, where they meet the man who is making everyone sick. This book has a healthy dose of mystery and suspense. It is one of my personal favorites. This is one of those books where you get a good laugh, and it has some "oh!" moments. I can't wait to review the sequel!
Review by: Lydia (and when read by [lazy butt] Ari, she comments in brown) (Lydia will comment in green [how earthy])
And blogger is being stupid, so sadly there's no author link on the post, but if you go to the side bar it's there! :D
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