Synopsis: Whats your drink of choice? Is it a small pumpkin spice latte? Then you're lots of fun and a bit sassy. Or a medium americano? You must prefer simplicity in life. Or perhaps its a small decaf soy sugar free hazelnut caffe latte? Some might call you a yuppie. Seventeen year old Jane Turner has this theory that you can tell a lot about a person by their regular coffee drink. She scribbles it all dwon in a notebook and calls it espressology. So its not a totally crazy idea wehn Jane starts hooking up some of her friends based on their drink orders. Like her best friend Em, a medium hot chocolate, and Cam, a toffee nut latte. But when her boss, Derek, gets wind of Janes Espressology, He makes it an in store holiday promotion, promising customers their perfect matches for the price of their favorite coffee. Things are going better than Derek could ever have hoped, so why is Jane so freaked out? Does it have anything to do with Em dating Cam? Shes the one who set them up! She should be happy for them right?
I laughed the entire time I read this book. It was incredible! In Kristinas debut novel she brings a whole new outlook to the world known as coffee. Jane is a character so many people can relate to. All of us have been or will be seventeen at some point in our life and even if we havent we already know the ups and downs of being a teen. Let alone a teen with a job! In the novel Jane never planned for things to go as far as they did. To her it was just helping a good guy hook up with a good girl after he and his girlfriend broke up. But a coworker saw her work her magic and wanted an in also. She gets hooked up. But then Janes best friend Em breaks it off with her boyfriend, and she is devestated. Jane has no idea what to do. But hook her up with a boy from her college class. As always one things leads to another and before you know it, it ends in boy drama. But hey no one was planning on it to happen. This book found a way to put a great twist on a overused plot. I definitley loved it. I really hope I get to read more from this author.
10 stars

GIVEAWAY!: We are giving away one copy of The Esspressologist *courtesy of unnamed donors* by Kristina Springer! And who knows what else will be thrown in. *considering Erynn Mangums Lauren Holbrook series since both are about matchmaking and coffee!* Also because of the holidays well throw in some swag to help you out this year for the holidays, and chocolate :D
Evil Rules X.x
We must have at least 5 participants or no giveaway. Sorry standard procedure.
Must be a US resident *same rule as everyone else. if you cna get someone to send it to you great.*
Must be a US resident *same rule as everyone else. if you cna get someone to send it to you great.*
It will be a random selection based upon Random.Org
Starts officially December 1, 2009
Ends *unofficially* December 10, 2009 *will be changed based upon request
How to participate
Participate by entering here....Entry Form
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